Lifeline is a government assistance program offering a monthly discount to qualified low-income customers. As an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC), Limitless Mobile is authorized to provide Lifeline-supported services in parts of Pennsylvania.
The Limitless Mobile Lifeline30 plan requires a compatible wireless handset.
For more information, please call 888-249-8030
The Lifeline service is not available in all areas and only eligible customers may enroll in the program. The program is limited to one discount per household. Restrictions to the Lifeline program can be found in the below sections.
How much can I save?
If you qualify for the Lifeline, it can save you at least $5.25 on your monthly wireless bill, depending on where you live.
How do I qualify?
Qualifications for the Lifeline program vary by state. Limitless Mobile's Lifeline30 service is not available in all areas of Pennsylvania. You must produce documentation to demonstrate your qualifications: Applicants must provide two proofs of ID and certify under penalty of perjury that they participate in an eligible program.
Are there any restrictions?
Yes, only one Lifeline discount is allowed per household. A household is not permitted to receive Lifeline benefits from multiple providers (for example, if you receive a Lifeline discount on your wireless service, you would not also qualify to receive that discount on your home phone service). Violation of the one per household rule will result in the subscriber’s de-enrollment from the program. Lifeline is a non-transferrable benefit, and the subscriber may not transfer his or her benefit to any other person. You will be required to certify under penalty of perjury that you will comply with this requirement. Lifeline applicants must provide two proofs of identification and certify under penalty of perjury that they participate in an eligible program. Consumers who willfully make false statements in order to obtain the benefit can be punished by fine or imprisonment or can be barred from the program. A Lifeline customer’s residential address must be in an area where Limitless Mobile is approved to offer Lifeline service. Lifeline assistance may not be applied retroactively. The Tribal Link Up assistance cannot be applied to customer facilities or equipment, including the cost of your phone. Link Up assistance may not be applied retroactively.
What are the Lifeline monthly rate plans?
Lifeline30 Plan $30 |
Monthly access (w/discount): $24.75 |
Monthly anytime minutes*: Limitless |
Monthly text messages**: Limitless |
Long distance calls from the Local Coverage Area included. Domestic long distance*** (airtime applies) |
* within the Limitless Mobile service area.
** unlimited texts from the Limitless service area to anywhere in the United States
*** includes calls made from within your Local Coverage Area to anywhere within the United States or Puerto Rico.
Additional details about The Lifeline30 Plan:
- Includes Limitless Talk and Texts.
- Data service, handset insurance and directory assistance not available.
- Number porting offered at no charge.
- No long-term contract, early termination or cancellation fees.
- No credit checks or activation fee.
- No federal universal service fund charge.
- Use of compatible third-party phones allowed.
- Required payment every 30 days to keep service active.
- Available monthly auto-pay service.
- More than one month’s service may be purchased at a time.
- Payment can be made at:
- limitlessmobile.com
- At any Limitless Mobile retail location
- By calling 888-249-8030 from the subscriber’s phone.
- Unresolved questions or complaints regarding the Lifeline service may be directed to the PA Public Utility Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Services at 800-692-7380.